当前位置: 首页 - 智能 - PE排水管材正如CYZ-A型防爆铜叶轮自吸式离心油泵一样确保了系统的稳定运行


2025-02-27 智能 0




CYZ-A型自吸式oil pump主要特点1. 属于self-suction type centrifugal pumps,它具有结构简单操作方便运行平稳维护容易效率高寿命长且有较强的self-suction能力。管路中不需底阀工作前只需保证pump body内储有定量引oil即可。用于oil tanker或water ship上时,可兼作scanning pump扫舱效果良好。

是选用优质材料精制而成密封采用硬质合金机械密封经久耐用吐出管路不需要安装安全阀吸入管路不需要安装底阀因此简化了pipe system又改善了labor conditions.


| 型号 | 电机功率(kw) | 转速(r/min) | 口径(mm) | 流量(m³/h) | 扬程(m) | 自吸高度(m) |

| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

25CYZ-A-20 1.1 2900 25 3.2 20 6

25CYZ-A-32A - - - - -

32CYZ-A-40A - - - -


100CYZ-A-50B - - - -


150CYZ-A-65C D E F G


200,250,300 CYZA系列数据与上述相同


(一). 起动前的准备及检查工作:

1.CYZA系列离心Oil Pump按照Pump work status采用优质钙基黄土或10号机Oil进行润滑。

2.Check whether the fluid level in the pump casing is higher than the upper edge of the impeller.

3.Check for any jamming or collision of moving parts.

4.Check if there are any loose connections on the bottom and around them.

5.Check if there is a misalignment between the shaft of Oil Pump and that of electric motor.

6.Open intake pipe valve slightly (do not open it fully).

(二). Stoping Oil Pump:

1.Close outlet gate valve first.

2.Stop Oil Pump rotation.

3.In cold weather, drain oil from pump body and cooling water from bearing chamber to prevent freezing damage.


Fault Form Cause Solution Method

No output Self-absorption failure; insufficient storage; suction pressure too low; suction height too high or too long suction pipeline; excessive leakage of mechanical seal; gas cannot be discharged through outlet Check and replenish storage; check for leaks in suction pipeline and adjust speed or reduce suction height/length; repair/replacement Seal adjustment

Noise & vibration Unstable baseplate; bent shafts ; cavitation phenomenon ; severe wear on bearings ; foreign objects in inlet/outlet pipelines Add reinforcement ; replace/refurbish/correct cavitation adjustment Change bearings Clean out foreign objects Align mainshafts

标签: 对智能制造的认识ai智能写作人工智能应该学什么专业智能制造的概念以及主要特征人工智能专业毕业后从事什么工作