2025-03-05 数码 0
电去离子(Electrodeionization 简称EDI)是一种将电渗析膜分离技术与离子交换技术有机结合起来制备超纯水的新技术。它利用电渗析过程中的极化现象,对填充在淡水室中的离子交换树脂进行电化学再生。
传统的 离子交换,由于树脂饱和后需要化学间歇再生。而EDImembranestacks中的树脂通过water 的electrolysis 连续再生,不需要酸碱chemical再生,这样可以实现连续不间断制备高纯度 water。
二、EDIsuperpure Water Equipment’s Main Features:
产出的是高质量且稳定性的超纯 水。
不产生污染物,无需acid-base chemicals 和储存设施。
三、Basic Parameters of EDI Super Pure Water Equipment:
1., Feed water: Reverse Osmosis purified water, with an electrical conductivity of 4-30us/cm.
2., pH: 5-8 (within this pH range, the hardness of the feed water should not be too high).
3., Temperature: 5-35℃
4., Feed pressure: Large value is around 60psi (0~400kPa), small value is around 25psi (0~170kPa).
四_EDI Feed Requirements:
Reverse Osmosis production water, electrical conductivity ≤20μs/cm; maximum allowed electrical conductivity ≤30μs/cm (NaCl). pH Value:7.5—9 Temperature:15℃--35℃ Feed pressure(DIN):0..15—0..4MPa Concentrated brine feed pressure(C ):0..10—03MPa Product water discharge pressure(DOUT):0..05—025MPa Concentrated brine discharge pressure(COUT):002—02MPa Total Hardness:<1mg/L(Recommended <500mg/L) Organic Matter TOC<500ppb Silicon dioxide<50ppb Total CO2<300ppm Particle size<100nm
五._Process Flow:
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