2025-03-05 数码 0
ZKW燃油(气)系列真空热水锅炉的全称叫做真空相变锅炉,注意两个名词,一个是真空,一个是相变。这种在封闭的炉体内部形成一个负压的真空环境,在机体内填充热媒水,通过燃烧或方式加热热媒水,再由热媒水蒸发、冷凝至换heat器上,再由换heat器来加heat需要加heat的水。这些真空热水锅炉能够供应不同温度、不同用途的hot water,如air conditioning使用water、卫生hot water、工艺hot water等。
这些true vacuum hot boilers下半部结构与普通boilers一样,由burning室与传heat管组成;其下半部装有thermal medium介质(boiler water),上部为true vacuum汽室,其中插入了U型管(或直pipe型)thermal heat交change器。由于boilers整体是在negative pressure状态下运行,所以非常安静。
在these true vacuum hot boilers中,thermalmiddle介质(boiler water)在boilers运行的full process中,不进入也不出,不增也不会减,只封闭在boilers’ true vacuum室内,在boilers’传heat管与thermal heat交change器之间传递thermalmass量。
In these true vacuum hot boilers' inner thermal mediawater is effectively deoxygenated, pure and free of corrosion, with no scaling, making the boiler's lifespan extend to 20 years or more.
综上所述,这种性能如此强大的设备,其自然发展趋势就是替代传统的pot-type和shell-type boilers.
Boilermaker本身:These true vacuum hot boilers本身采用优良Q245板材及20#钢管材,大燃烧室,小火箱负荷。大受热面积,小体积紧凑容量小快升温。
Heat exchanger制造与构造:Heat exchangers采用不锈钢材质,以tube bundle方式插入negatively pressured evaporation room内两端用flange连接拆卸方便更换简单不易腐蚀便于保养清洗经久耐用。
Automation control:Control部分选用优良触摸屏控制系统自动检测thermalmiddle temperature outflowtemperature;自动检测burner和internal boiler faults;通过程序设定可控制burning time使得根据load变化自动调整整个burning过程减少因load变化引起启动停止次数减少启停时blowdown损失。
Burning equipment:According to fuel type and user demand, through special installation board can configure various imported domestic burning devices.
High efficiency energy-saving: Adopt high-efficiency true vacuum heating technology in a negative pressure state running low boiling point good latent heat of vaporization (latent heat of condensation), effectively improving thermal efficiency good exchange performance with three return wet back design effective increase radiation and convective exchange area high thermal efficiency up to 95%.
Negative pressure operation safe reliable: The device operates under negative pressure the thermalmiddle remains in a sealed state without explosion danger internal storage constant thermalmass quantity no dry firing risk multiple automatic protection devices possess safety unmatched by ordinary steam generators.
No corrosion no scale long life: Heat exchangers made of stainless steel once injected thermostatic fluid in sealed state runs no corrosion forms scale long service life nearly twice that of ordinary steam generators product lifespan extends to 30 years or more.
Variety models one machine multi-use: Stand upright horizontal oil gas coal methanol natural gas city gas liquefied petroleum gas various types available for users choose separated collection system ensures stable clean warm flow switchable according to needs meet different requirements for heating water and clean drinking water ensure stability cleanliness.
Small volume easy installation: Modular design high-performance exchange components small-sized products easy transportation installation in limited spaces multiple units parallel use feasible.
10 Unique environmental features: Adopt high-performance burner return-flow structure design complete combustion meets national tourist area emissions standards.
11 Simplified inspection procedures exempted from complicated approval procedures operation workers do not need certificates operate due to operating under negative pressure simplifies inspection annual inspection processes etc..