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2025-03-16 手机 0

Garmin佳明新一代Forerunner 265和Forerunner 965GPS运动智能腕表登场,带来全新的AMOLED显示屏体验。这些款式轻巧且明亮,适用于日常训练和比赛。常亮全彩显示屏,无论何种天气都易于查看,灵敏的触摸屏叠加传统五键设计,可快速访问日常健康功能、智能通知等。

Forerunner 965配备了钛合金表圈,佩戴轻盈舒适。此外,它们提供先进的训练指标和恢复建议,将帮助运动员为下一场比赛做好准备——所有这些功能依然维持长续航能力;在智能模式下,Forerunner 265续航长达13天,而Forerunner 965则长达23天。

"20年来,为Runner系列帮助了各类型运动员实现他们的目标,我们很高兴继续为全新的GPS运动智能手表带来性的进步,并增添明亮的AMOLED显示屏。” Garmin中国总经理Jeffrey Chou表示:“凭借Garmin优异的训练指标、恢复建议、令人印象深刻的续航能力,运动员可以轻松安排跑步和休息计划。”

From "早安问候"开启美好的一天,可查阅昨晚的睡眠情况和当天训练提醒,以及HRV(心率变异性)状态和天气预报(需与智能手机配对)。赛事助手可获取比赛当天路线、天气、训练建议及预估完赛时间等,为下一场比赛充分准备。

Viewing each day's training recommendations, adjusting the daily schedule based on performance and recovery status in the Garmin Connect calendar. Track sleep quality, recovery state, training load, etc., to determine whether it's time to push yourself or take a break.

Track running power and dynamic running data without any additional accessories. Forerunner 265 and Forerunner 965 are designed for runners with advanced monitoring functions and larger memory capacity to store more songs.

The CLIMBPRO climb planning feature provides real-time information about current and upcoming climbs, including gradient, distance, and elevation gain. The full-color built-in map guides athletes through urban streets or winding trails.

The titanium case of the Forerunner 965 complements its large AMOLED display (1.4 inches) which offers long battery life: up to31 hours in GPS mode and up to23 days in smartwatch mode.

These two models are available now at official retail prices starting from ¥3,480 for the Forerunner seriesand ¥4,980 for the Forerunnergseries at Garmin.com.cn/ or on the official WeChat mini-programme of Garmin China.

In conclusion,Garmin has launched their latest generation of GPS sports watches –the new Forrunner series – equipped with an AMOLED display screen that promises better visibility under all conditions.

With these new features such as advanced training metrics like VO2 max estimation; real-time heart rate variability tracking; improved sleep tracking capabilities; stress score analysis along with menstrual cycle management for women users; there is no doubt that this product will be a game-changer in health monitoring devices market.

Moreover by integrating NFC payment functionality into their watches making transactions easier than ever before while maintaining excellent battery life options - either using GPS only or Smartwatch Mode depending upon your preferences.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready embrace innovation!

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