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2025-03-05 手机 0




steel tube wrapped with polyurethane foam insulation pipe system.

The steel tube wrapped with polyurethane foam insulation pipe system can be classified into two categories based on the sliding mode: internal sliding and external sliding. The internal sliding type is composed of a working steel tube, calcium silicate, blocking layer, micro-porous calcium silicate, thermal insulation layer, stainless steel tight banding wire mesh, aluminum foil reflective layer, polyurethane foam outer jacketed steel tube and glass fiber shell corrosion protection. The internal sliding type is characterized by the use of medium transmission through a composite silica or micro-porous calcium silicate hard core polyurethane foam plastic outer jacketed steel tube and glass fiber shell corrosion protection structure. All components are processed with advanced thermal insulation technology to ensure product quality safety.

The external sliding type is composed of a working steel tube covered in high-efficiency glass wool thermal insulation material held together by neutral adhesive; an aluminum foil reflective layer fixed by stainless steel bands; an air gap for reduced heat conduction designed to increase overall efficiency; and an outer protective casing made from high-strength low-density PE materials that have good weather resistance and anti-corrosion properties against chemical substances.

Steel-tube-wrapped-foam-insulation-pipe-systems have several key features:

Safe operation (with good strength, stiffness, temperature resistance).

Waterproof seal performance.

Pipe anticorrosive treatment (high-efficient cyanide-based anticorrosive coating or 3PE anticorrosive coating or fiberglass yarn-wound epoxy resin anticorrosive coating HD epoxy coal tar paint anticorrosive).

Low potential hazards (outer-jacketed-steel-tube fatigue strength large operating in hot expansion cooling environment interface not like fiberglass exterior piping easy detachment).

Energy-saving effect (sealing performance excellent no leakage well insulated results in significant energy savings).

Convenient construction: nodes sealed filling mouth as well as pre-fabricated preservation "steel-tube-wrapped-foam-insulation" easier than "glass-fiber-exterior-cladding".

7 Construction welding process: Steel tubing inspection leak detection method.

These systems provide more efficient energy conservation compared to traditional methods due to their higher sealing performance reducing heat loss while maintaining structural integrity during various environmental conditions ensuring safe operation throughout the lifespan of the pipeline infrastructure

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