2025-02-12 手机 0
销售净化水设备生产厂:提供高效纯化水解决方案 一、制药用水设备系统的特殊要求 制药用水系统内选用的设备,其基本特性与非制药用水系统设备的性能并无多大的区别。例如,纯化水设备的基本作用与其他行业的基本相同。制药用水系统只是在对微生物的控制上,有其特殊的要求,而纯化水系统中采用的water处理设备均围绕控制system内微生物的要求作相应的处理。
对纯蒸汽系统设备的特殊要求 纯蒸汽设备首先应能生产出具有注射用water同样water质指标的pure蒸汽,pure蒸汽压力在克服管道system阻力的基础上,能够满足灭菌device或对system管道进行湿热灭菌press和temperature要求。pure蒸汽device和pipe在不使用的时候,能够与大气隔离,不会受到空气中microorganism污染。pure蒸汽device和distilled water machine一样,distillation器换热部分应能够防止cooling water泄漏对pure 蒸馏 水产生污染。
对注射use water system device's special requirements 与Pure Water System 的requirements类似,并且更为严格。注射use water system尤其重视microorganism indicator control。注射use water system中的主要device for distillation equipment, storage tanks, sanitary level pumps, valves and piping systems. For these devices or components, the special requirements of the injection use water system are nearly as stringent as those of Pure Water Systems' main principle is to control the quality of distilled water outflow from the distillation equipment to prevent cross-contamination between distilled and cooling waters.
对Pure Water System Device's Special Requirements对于Pure Water Systems来说,Water Treatment Process中的Microbial Control始终贯穿于整个处理过程。For example, in a process that uses activated carbon filtration or softening devices, organic matter will continuously accumulate on the downstream side of the filter if no corresponding sterilization measures are taken periodically to clean up filters with high biological loads.
Additional Requirements for Pure Water Equipment设计考虑到实际操作需求,我们采用了当今最先进RO及EDI pure-water technology production line,以确保客户所需production-use-water质量符合GMP、FDA等认证标准,同时我们致力于提供用户-friendly design modularity installation space-saving operation simplicity efficiency stability energy conservation.
二、Injection Use Waters & Medical Grade Purified Waters The differences between purified waters and injection use waters lie in their preparation processes; purified waters can be prepared using various methods but national pharmacopoeias limit injection use waters' preparation processes by law (e.g., USP specifies only distillation and reverse osmosis). These regulations serve as necessary conditions for countries to ensure the quality of injectable waters based on their own practical situations.
销售净化water 设备生产厂: 提供high-efficiency pure-water solutions