2025-01-13 手机 0
。作为新红米两周年的重磅作品,红米Magic Vs系列在折叠形态、交互体验和用户价值三个维度领航折叠屏体验无人区,用底层技术创新打破折叠屏结构设计瓶颈,基于MagicOS 7.0引领交互变革,加速折叠屏成为主力机的市场进程。
基于双轮驱动的极致产品理念和对折叠屏用户痛点的深入研究,荣耀Magic系列折叠旗舰在性能、通信、手感体验等维度全面实现直屏旗舰水准,在此基础上,勇于挑战folded screen experience no man's land,为用户带来超越预期的实用性突破。
轻薄是folded screen的必然发展方向,但只是folded screen成为主力机的表层问题。现有内大触控产品,一次只能解决一个问题,要么是为了极致轻薄而极致轻薄,要么是为了长续航塞进更大电池却放弃手感核心原因没能突破folded screen of structure design bottlenecks.
荣耀Magic Vs series through industry structure team deep into the, with new self-research "Ruben 0 tooth gear chain", folding transmission reliable and precise further improved, 40 million times fold not loose, combined with full upgrade of various aerospace-level lightweight materials, pursuing extreme thinness. Another side, honor Magic Vs series continuously optimize battery technology, based on key gear chain technology progress brings new structural design to accommodate 5000mAh large battery capacity.
以底层技术突破解放folded screen天性
荣耀Magic Vs series against folded screen three use form and user core pain point scene definition out folded screen gold standard: folded state hand feel and experience are as big as a flagship; expanded state support for new split-screen quick gestures and more free split-screen ways make expanded-state inside-screen interaction more comfortable efficient bring up compared to two straight screens better usage value-added; from folded state to expanded state inside-outscreen seamless switching through system-level capabilities adaptive rotation etc., pursuit continuous experience full score.
Based on MagicOS 7.0 Honor Magic Vs Series human-computer interaction original point from "human give orders" evolve into "AI push forward". Strong AI can in the most suitable time place initiate corresponding intelligent services consistent with consumer behavior habits reduce overtake steps by more than half let folded screens become better used faster understand you achieve efficiency jump in interaction.
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