2025-01-04 手机 0
“我们所有下游任务都只基于ChatCS这一个大模式。在训练和应用ChatCS之前,我们先花费精力做网络.security域中的通用.knowledge 图表,然后利用.knowledge 图表生成异构.data 集进行.train.network.security域中的.giant.model.”四维创智项目负责人陈平表示,他们推出的chatcs是一个使用rlhf技术微调并利用.knowledge 图表进行.field知.deduction 的垂直.domain.giant.model思路首先构建以漏洞概念为核心security域中的kknowledge.graph—vuln_sprocket,再将graph生成先验kknowledge集.train.model.
目前,其余几家network security厂商还未完全披露train Gpt 的路径细节,但据industry insiders 分析,360集团’s network security Gpt 应该是在通use giant model 为底座然后加入network security相关.data 调优路径,与green technology 和 four-dimensional wisdom 则很不同.
然而殊途同归。Green Technology CTO 叶晓虎称, intelligent safety customer service robot reached the effect is that application can in the safety event emergency response disposal, massive log analysis research, safety intelligent inference and decision-making, safety field code writing etc. aspects to play a positive role. Other manufacturers' Gpt practice also with this multiple overlap again is a long run worth paying attention to since Chatgpt explosion fire has been over 100 days only time short three or four months network security companies able quickly start Chatgpt with its back already accumulated related data set have very big relationship but need to think about one question: if network security industry urgently need also can have their own giant model why after Openai fire up then network security circle just pay attention to the big model will bring changes?
The reason may be that for large models technology is not fundamental issue problem on one hand in high-quality safe data corpus another hand it is keep artificial intelligence belief and continuous training large models mindset and thinking.
"Before only small-scale try out Network Security AI automation things once or twice not achieve expected results then give up But Chatgpt tell us this route works everyone dare to put in." A Network Security entrepreneur said
Besides successful experimentation large models appearance tells Network Security industry another signal that large models indeed possible cause of against way bottom logic change "If common giant models could make smart reasoning and smart decision apply this road walk through actuality can let against way from past experience-based become paradigmatic work previously experience exist human brain cannot reuse but if go through this side many changes." Leaf Xiao Hu said
It's clear that Openai's Chatgpt simply an opening waiting for China entrepreneurs flocking into trial error This again a long run