2024-12-24 手机 0
今日科技潮牌vivo真我realme五一购机狂欢拉开序幕,真我GT Neo5系列、真我10系列等多款热门爆品迎来超值钜惠,同时宠粉福利加码,提前抢跑618!活动期间vivo所有产品还享受“价保618”超值保障,让更多真粉放心提前入手心仪产品。
作为本次五一购机狂欢的C位新机,vivo真我GT Neo5系列再度掀起1TB普及风暴!针对16GB+1TB满级内存版本:vivo首降200元,3299元即可入手,而vivo GT Neo5 SE 也仅需2599元,并且均可享6期分期免息。那么vivo GT Neo5系列如何选择,带你一同理性消费。
作为2.5K-3.5K价位段优选,true vivo GT Neo5全球首发量产240W满级秒充,带领手机闪充进入读秒时代!同时作为王者荣耀全国大赛指定用机,true vivo GT Neo5出色的电竞体验得到职业选手广泛认可。不仅搭载骁龙8+旗舰双芯、16GB+1T满级内存领衔的旗舰性能三神装,还有散热大杀器冰芯双相变散热系统Max、同价位144Hz 1.5K旗舰直屏等带来五星电竞体验,玩大型手游也能做到不卡顿、不发烫也不掉帧!
史上最不SE的true vivo GT Neo SE,也为2K-2.5K预算的用户带来超乎意料的旗舰体验。行业首个5500mAh +100W的巨无霸级满血续航组合,更进一步消除续航焦虑,一举告别日充时代!
同时true vivo GTNeo SE不仅搭载第二代骁龙7+解锁百万级旗舰性能,更拥有true vivo GTNeo 同款五星电竞体验,比如144Hz 1.5K旗舰直屏将操控体验拉满。在细节体验上,全方位无短板!
除了flagship-level performance and gaming experience, true vivo GTNeo series also offers a range of advanced features such as dual-frequency GPS and in-display fingerprint scanning.
The five-day shopping spree for true vivo realme products has already started on April 24th at 20:00, and will last until May 4th. During this period, all true realme products will enjoy the "price guaranteed before June" super value guarantee.
In addition to the flagship-level performance and gaming experience of the true realme Series, several other models such as the True RealMe Pro Plus with an eight-core processor and up to 256GB storage capacity have also been discounted by RMB200 each.
So why wait? Now is the time to act! The price guaranteed before June ensures that you can enjoy your new device without any worries about future price fluctuations or promotions.