2024-12-26 科技 0
GPT-3实测者Max Woolf提醒我们:理性面对AI巨兽的期待
数据科学家Max Woolf最近发表了一篇测试AI“怪兽”GPT-3的总结文章,并强调要保持理性的预期。通过API,可以编写脚本向GPT-3发送请求,并获得其生成的文本。例如,可以使用以下命令调用API:
curl https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/davinci/completions -H Content-Type: application/json -H Authorization: Bearer -d {prompt: This is a test, max_tokens: 5}
作为曾探索GPT-2并正在开发相关工具的人士,Woolf非常希望亲自测试一下GPT-3是否真的能提供更好的文本质量。他还发布了一个GitHub repo,其中包含一个Python脚本用于查询API,以及许多示例文本及其输出。
In a shocking finding, scientist discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote, previously unexplored valley, in the Andes Mountains. Even more surprising to the researchers was the fact that the unicorns spoke perfect English.
尽管如此,Woolf仍然鼓励大家保持理性的期待,对于这项技术来说,它还有很长的一段路要走。在公布后,只有几位博客作者(如Gwern和Kevin Lacker)给予了一些关注,而直到病毒式传播推特出现时,它才开始受到更多关注。此推特展示了人们可以用它做什么:
This is so exciting! I built a layout generator using GPT-3. You just describe what you want any layout and it will auto-generate the corresponding JSX code for you!
Hey there! I'm GPT-3, an AI text generation neural network from OpenAI!
Unfortunately, I'm not perfect. I have many issues such as lack of attention and inability to read pre-programmed text so I can only stand by and watch...